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London Business Partnership Property Advice Service

Free property advice for SMEs in London

Gerald Eve is collaborating with the London Business Partnership on the Property Advice Service. An innovative initiative that provides free expert advice on commercial property challenges, the programme is designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating within Greater London make better-informed decisions. The UK Government funds this programme via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, and it is being jointly executed in partnership with Gerald Eve and the University of Law.

  • What is the Property Advice Service?

    The Property Advice Service aims to provide a holistic ‘one-stop-shop’ approach to supporting businesses navigating the complexities of commercial property matters. It helps SMEs with various commercial property challenges, such as negotiating new leases with landlords, rent reviews, understanding business rates and relief schemes, rent arrears, evictions, energy efficiency ratings, and more.

  • What does the Property Advice Service give SMEs?

    The service presents various resources and opportunities designed to empower SMEs – from face-to-face workshops to online webinars, personalised one-on-one advisory sessions, and informative one-to-many workshops. This collaboration represents a significant stride towards enhancing the prospects and success of SMEs in the Greater London region.

What should occupiers consider at each stage of the lifecycle?

For SMEs, lease costs and business rates represent a significant cost that directly impacts their profitability and sustainability. Managing and understanding these better across the property lifecycle is therefore crucial, as it can affect overall financial health and ability to invest in growth opportunities.


Why Gerald Eve

Gerald Eve is a leading provider of UK business rates advice and lease consultancy services.


We offer a range of services from business rates appeals, empty property rates advice, and business rates mitigation strategies to rent reviews, lease renewals, regears and other lease-related disputes. We also provide regular updates on business rates changes and reviews, keeping clients informed on what they need to be aware of and act on.


If you are an SME based or trading in London with 250 employees or less and a current turnover under £44m, you can register for the Property Advice Service online here.



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